
Peer-Reviewed Publications

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In Press

Niu, Y., Conrad, B. N., Camacho, M. C., Ravi, S., Piersiak, H. A., Bailes, L. G., Barnett, W., Manhard, M. K., Cole, D. A., Clayton, E. W., Osmundson, S. S., Smith, S. A., Kujawa, A., & Humphreys, K. L. (in press). Longitudinal investigation of neurobiological changes across pregnancy. Communications Biology.


Camacho, M. C., Schwarzlose, R. F., Perino, M. T., Labonte, A. K., Koirala, S., Barch, D. M., & Sylvester, C. M. (2024). Youth Generalized Anxiety and Brain Activation States During Socioemotional Processing. JAMA Psychiatry. pdf

Donohue, M.R., Camacho, M.C., Drake, J.E., Schwarzlose, R.F., Brady, R.G., Hoyniak, C.P., Hennefield, L., Wakschlag, L.S., Rogers, C.E., Barch, D.M., & Luby, J. (2024). Less attention to emotional faces is associated with low empathy and prosociality in 12-to 20-month old infants. Infancy.

Furtado, E.J.*, Camacho, M.C., Chin, J.H.*, & Barch, D.M. (2024) Complex emotion processing and early life adversity in the Healthy Brain Network Sample. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 70, 101469 pdf

Labonte, A.K., Camacho, M.C., Moser, J., Koirala, S., Gratton, C., Laumann, T.O., Marek, S., Fair, D., & Sylvester, C.M. (2024) Applications of precision functional mapping for furthering developmental psychiatry research. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science. pdf

Myers, M.J.#, Labonte, A.K.#, Gordon, E.M., Laumann, T.O., Tu, J.C., Wheelock, M.D., Nielsen, A.N., Schwarzlose, R.F., Camacho, M.C., Alexopoulos, D., Warner, B.B., Raghuraman, N., Luby, J.L., Barch, D.M., Fair, D.A., Petersen, S.E., Rogers, C.E., Smyser, C.D., Sylvester, C.M. (2024) Functional parcellation of the neonatal cortical surface. Cerebral Cortex (34) 2, pdf


Camacho, M.C., Balser, D.*, Furtado, E.J.*, Rogers, C.E., Schwarzlose, R.F., Sylvester, C.M., & Barch, D.M. (2023). Higher inter-subject variability in neural response to narrative social stimuli among youth with higher social anxiety. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. pdf

Camacho, M.C., Nielsen, A.N., Balser, D.*, Furtado, E.*, Steinberger, D., Fruchtman, L., Culver, J.P., Sylvester, C.M., & Barch D.M. (2023). Evidence for large-scale encoding of functional emotion perception that becomes increasingly similar between individuals across childhood and adolescence. Nature Neuroscience. pdf / supplement

Ravi, S.#, Camacho, M.C.#, Fleming, B., Scudder, M.R., & Humphreys, K.L. (2023). Concurrent and prospective associations between frontoparietal and default mode network connectivity and negative affectivity in infancy. Biological Psychology. pdf

Spann, M.N., Wisnowski, J.L., HBCD Phase I Scanning Young Populations Working Group, Smyser, C.D., FIT’NG, Howell, B., & Dean, D.C. (2023). The Science, Art and Secrets of Scanning Young Children. Biological Psychiatry. 93, 858-860. pdf

Schwarzlose, R.F., Filippi, C.A., Myers, M.J., Harper, J., Smyser, T.A., Smyser, C.D., Rogers, C.E., Shimony, J.S., Warner, B.B., Luby, J.L., Barch, D.M., Pine, D.S., Fox, N.A., Camacho, M.C., & Sylvester, C.M. (2023) Neonatal neural responses to novelty related to behavioral inhibition at one year. Developmental Psychology. pdf


Benear, S.L., Horwath, E.A., Cowan, E., Camacho, M.C., Ngo, C.T., Newcombe, N.S., Olson, I.R., Perlman, S.B., & Murty, V.P. (2022). Children show adult-like hippocampal pattern similarity for familiar but not novel events. Brain Research. 1791, 147991. pdf

Camacho, M.C.#, Williams, E.M.#, Balser, D.*, Kamojjala, R.*, Sekar, N.*, Steinberger, D.*, Yarlagadda, S.*, Perlman, S.B., & Barch, D.M. (2022). EmoCodes: A standardized coding system for socio-emotional content in complex video stimuli. Affective Science. pdf / supplement / website

FIT’NG. (2022). A, opportunity to increase collaborative science in fetal, infant, and toddler neuroimaging. Biological Psychiatry. pdf

Hoyniak, C.P., Bates, J.E., Camacho, M.C., McQuillan, M.E., Whalen, D.J., Staples, A.D., Rudasill, K.M., & Deater-Deckard, K. (2022). The Physical Home Environment and Sleep: What Matters Most for Sleep in Early Childhood. Journal of Family Psychology. Advance online publication. pdf

Korom, M.#, Camacho, M.C.#, Filippi, C.A., Licandro, R., Moore, L.A., Dufford, A., Zöllei, L., Graham, A.M., Spann, M., Howell, B., FIT’NG, Shultz, S.^, & Scheinost, D.^ (2022). Dear Reviewers: Responses to Common Reviewer Critiques about Infant Neuroimaging Studies. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 53, 101055. pdf

Pollatou, A., Filippi, C.A., Aydin, E., Vaughn, K., Thompson, D., Korom, M., Dufford, A.J., Howell, B., Zöllei, L., Di Martino, A., Graham, A., Robinson, E., FIT’NG Group, Scheinost, D., & Spann, M. (2022). An ode to Fetal, Infant, and Toddler Neuroimaging: Chronicling early clinical to research applications with MRI, and an introduction to an academic society connecting the field. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 54, 101083. pdf


Camacho, M.C., Williams, E.M., Ding, K., & Perlman, S.B. (2021). Multimodal Examination of Emotion Processing Systems Associated with Negative Affectivity across Early Childhood. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 48, 100917. pdf

Hoyniak, C.P., Quiñones-Camacho, L.E., Camacho, M.C., Chin, J.H.*, Williams, E.M.*, Wakschlag, L.S., & Perlman, S.B. (2021). Adversity is linked with decreased parent-child neural synchrony in the context of laboratory-induced stress. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 48, 100937 pdf

King, L.S., Camacho, M.C., Montez, D.F., Humphreys, K.L., & Gotlib, I.H. (2021). Naturalistic language input is associated with resting-state functional connectivity in infancy. Journal of Neuroscience. 41 (3) 424-434. pdf


Camacho, M.C., Quiñones-Camacho, L.E., Perlman, S.B. (2020). Does the Child Brain Rest?: An Examination and Interpretation of Resting Cognition in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. NeuroImage, 212, 116688. pdf

Humphreys, K.L., Camacho, M.C., Roth, M.C., & Estes, E.C. (2020). Prenatal stress exposure and multimodal assessment of amygdala-medial prefrontal cortex connectivity in infants. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 46, 100877. pdf


Camacho, M.C., Karim, H.T., & Perlman, S.B. (2019). Neural architecture supporting active emotion processing in children: A multivariate approach. NeuroImage, 188, 171–180. pdf

Camacho, M.C., King, L.S., Ojha, A., Sisk, L.M., Garcia, C.M., Cichocki, A.C., Humphreys, K.L., Gotlib, I.H. (2019). Cerebral Blood Flow in 5- to 8-Month-Olds: Regional Tissue Maturity is Associated with Infant Affect. Developmental Science. pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L.E., Fishburn, F., Camacho, M.C., Hlutkowsky, C.O., Huppert, T. J., Wakschlag, L.S., Perlman, S. B. (2019). Parent-child neural synchrony during recovery from frustration: A novel approach to elucidating dyadic mechanisms of preschool irritability. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L.E., Fishburn, F., Camacho, M.C., Wakschlag, L.S., Perlman, S. B. (2019). Cognitive Flexibility-Related Prefrontal Activation in Preschoolers: A Biological Validation of Temperamental Effortful Control. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. pdf

Schwartz, J., Ordaz, S.J., Kircanski, K., Ho, T.C., Davis, E.G., Camacho, M.C., Gotlib, I.H. (2019). Resting-state functional connectivity and inflexibility of daily emotions in major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. 249, 26-44. pdf


Ellwood-Lowe, M.E., Humphreys, K.L., Ordaz, S.J., Camacho, M.C., Sacchet, M.D., Gotlib, I.H.  (2018). Time-varying effects of income on hippocampal volume trajectories in adolescent girls. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 30, 41-50. pdf

Fischer, A.S., Camacho, M.C., Ho, T.C., Whitfield-Gabrieli S., Gotlib, I.H. (2018). Neural markers of resilience in adolescents at familial risk for major depressive disorder. JAMA Psychiatry: 75(5), 493-502. pdf

Hamilton, J.P., Sacchet, M.D., Hjørnevik, T., Chin, F., Shen, B., Kämpe
, R., Park, J., Knutson, B., Williams, L., Borg, N., Zaharchuk, G., Camacho, M.C., Mackey, S., Heilig, M., Drevets, W., Glover, G., Gambhir, S., Gotlib, I.H. (2018) Striatal dopamine deficits predict reductions in striatal functional connectivity in major depression: A concurrent 11C-raclopride positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation. Translational Psychiatry. 8: 264. pdf

Ho, T.C., Cichocki, A.C., Gifuni, A.J., Camacho, M.C., Ordaz, S.J., Singh, M.K., Gotlib, I.H. (2018) Reduced dorsal striatal gray matter volume predicts implicit suicidal ideation in adolescents. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 13(11), 1215-1224. pdf

Humphreys, K.L., Sacchet, M.D., Camacho, M.C., King, L.S., Colich, N.L., Ordaz, S.J., Ho, T.C., Gotlib, I.H. (2018). Evidence for a sensitive period in the effects of early life stress on human hippocampal volume. Developmental Science. E12775. pdf

King, L.S., Humphreys, K.L., Camacho, M.C., Gotlib, I.H. (2018). A Person-Centered Approach to the Assessment of Early Life Stress: Neurobiological Correlates in Early Adolescence. Developmental Psychopathology.  pdf


Davis, E.G., Humphreys, K.L., McEwen, L.M., Sacchet, M.D., Camacho, M.C., MacIsaac, J.L., Lin, D., Kobor, M.S., Gotlib, I.H. (2017). Accelerated DNA methylation age in adolescent girls: associations with elevated diurnal cortisol and reduced hippocampal volume. Translational Psychiatry. 7, E1223. pdf

Sacchet, M. D., Camacho, M. C., Livermore, E. E., Thomas, E. A. C., & Gotlib, I. H. (2017). Accelerated aging of the putamen in patients with major depressive disorder. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience: JPN42(3), 164–171. pdf


Kircanski, K., Waugh, C.E., Camacho, M.C., Gotlib, I.H. (2016). Aberrant parasympathetic stress responsivity in pure and co-occurring major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment. 38(1), 5-19. pdf