About and Contact

About Cat Camacho

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Contact Me

     Hello! I'm a Neuroscientist at Washington University in St. Louis and director of the Computational, Relational, and Affective Brain Lab. We study foundational cognitive affective neurodevelopment with a lifelong goal of using computational models and naturalistic data acquisition to identify neurodevelopmental trajectories that confer increased risk of developing depression and/or anxiety.

My undergraduate and post-bacc work with Dr. Ian Gotlib examined the neural correlates of early life stress, depression, and depression risk. My PhD work with Dr. Deanna Barch focuses on developing techniques to use movies as a proxy for naturalistic emotion processing to study cognitive affective neurodevelopment, anxiety, depression, and social functioning in children. My postdoctoral work with Dr. Chad Sylvester will test a neurodevelopmental model of emotion processing in relation to pediatric anxiety risk in infants and toddlers.
     Most of my expertise is with MRI and coding in Python, but you can find a complete list of my skills/projects in my CV. I also enjoy teaching and training the next generation of scientists. In the spirit of open science, my code is freely accessible on BitBucket and GitHub. Feel free to email me at camachoc@wustl.edu directly or using the form below if you want to reach out!

Funding Sources

  • 2024-2029 NIH DP5 Early Independence Award (OD037370)

  • 2024-2027 McDonnell Center for Systems Neuroscience

  • 2024-2027 Department of Psychiatry, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO

  • 2022-2024 NIMH F32 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (MH132185)

  • 2020-2022 NICHD F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (HD102156)

  • 2019-2022 Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences,Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO

  • 2017-2022 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (DGE-1745038)

  • 2017-2019 Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Pittsburgh, PA

  • 2017-2019 Center for Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

  • 2012 Psych-Summer Program Internship, Stanford University, Stanford, CA


The Organization for Cognitive, Emotional, and Attentional Neurodevelopment at Washington University in St. Louis

The Stress and Early Adversity Lab at Vanderbilt University Collaborator

The Stress and Early Adversity Lab at Vanderbilt University

Cognitive Control and Psychopathology Laboratory